Kamome is a college student who has been orphaned since childhood and lives with her uncle and aunt. My older sister, Riko, lives alone and is a member of society. I will marry soon.
Kamome and Riko were both abused by their uncle and aunt for a long time. Now that Riko has left home, Kamome continues to feel helpless and alone.
One day, the two meet for the first time in a long time and talk about recent events. Riko tells Kamome that she is struggling but assures her that she will come to pick her up.
However, after parting ways that night, I lost contact with Riko. Was she abandoned, or is his younger sister involved in the situation?
Childhood friend Kanata and classmate Kanami work together to help a worried seagull. While being supported by the two, Kamome tries to find her sister…?