Read Mizumitsu Is Bitten by a Girl Japanese Hentai Manga also known as (AKA) “Suimittou wa Shoujo ni Kajira Reru / Suimitsutou Ha Shoujo Ni Kajirareru / 少女淺嘗水蜜桃 / 水蜜桃は少女にかじられる”. This OnGoing hentai manga was released on 2020. The story was written by Kansaki Iroha and illustrations by Kansaki Iroha.
Mizumitsu Is Bitten by a Girl Manhwa 18 is about Drama, Adult Manhwa, Manhwa 18, GL, Romance, Slice of Life story.
Mizumitsu Is Bitten Toomics Free on – Summary
Momoka who has become an arasa with zero romance experience. Frustrated by this situation, she discovers the existence of “lesbian sex” while searching for an online encounter. Momoka decides to use it, but she is attracted to her by having sex with a lesbian sex girl “Riko” who appeared at the meeting place, but she has a secret …?
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