Read Project Utopia Hentai Manga also known as (AKA) “유토피아 (스튜디오 문)”. This OnGoing manga was released on 2015. The story was written by Studio moon and illustrations by Studio Moon. Project Utopia Manhwa 18 is about Drama, Adult Manhwa, Horror story.
Project Utopia Toomics Free on – Summary
A tragic love story lies in a dark project when a secret organization wants to study human behavior. 12 men and 12 women are kidnapped and left on a remote island, where no laws exist. If they survive on this island for 10 months, they win $500,000. This is the story where true human nature is revealed. Welcome to project Utopia. Human desires, intrigues, and kindness have been revealed, and the prize is given in the end that you would have millions of dollars in the end. Who will survive to the end.