Read The Blood of Madam Hentai Manga also known as (AKA) “Jijel Ssi-ui Pi ; La Sangre De Giselle ; Giselle’s Blood ; ジゼルさんの血~不死の男に誘われて〜 ; 지젤 씨의 피”. This OnGoing hentai manga was released on 2019. The story was written by Lee Yeonji and illustrations by Lee Yeonji. The Blood of Madam Giselle Manhwa 18 is about Drama, Adult Webtoon, Adult Manhwa, Fantasy, Mature, Romance story.
The Blood of Madam Toomics Free on – Summary
A rebellious spirit trapped in her marriage to a violent husband, Giselle leads a miserable life playing the role of a meek wife and lady. But one night, wandering her new home, Giselle discovers what seems to be a young boy trapped inside a cage. An inheritance from her husband’s eccentric father, the boy is considered a monster, an immortal “flower that feeds upon blood”.
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